Argal Vertical Sump Pump

Argal Vertical Pump ปั๊มที่ใช้กับสารเคมีและระบบกำจัดน้ำเสีย ซึ่งทำจาก Thermoplastic หรือ Fiberglass ที่ทนทานกับสารเคมีเกือบทุกชนิด มีแบบ Seal และ Sealless Magnetic Drive

argal vertical pump

Vertical Pumps Designed for The Worldwide Market

Thermoplastic vertical sump pumps

KGK and Equipro range of Argal vertical sump pumps have column and volute casing submerged in the liquid while motor, its support and delivery pipe are assembled to the common base plate which rests on top of the sump well above of the liquid.

Pump Length

  • The lengths of the columns varies accordingly to ranges;
  • Equipro HME – column length from 275 to 450 mm
  • Equipro KME – column length from 600 up to 1500 mm

Chemical Resistance

All components of the pumps wetted by the liquid pumped deliver excellent chemical resistance and are manufactured in PP or PVDF.

PP polypropylene , thermoplastic U.V. stabilised

PVDF Vynilidene polyfluoride

Seal System

Argal sump pumps are fitted with vapour seal systems.

Guide bushings

Except for pump series HME and Equipro, whose shaft is overhung and does not require guides, all other pump design ( KME & KGK ) foresee a sliding guide bushing system ; it is located in the lower side of the pump close to the casing and is available with different choices of materials depending upon main characteristics of the liquid pumped.

Liquid laden with solids or slighty abrasive liquid

Different configurations of guiding elements allow to pump liquids laden with solids in suspension or moderately abrasive.

Electric motor

All vertical sump pumps host IEC compliant electric motors (or NEMA compliant motors on demand).


The pumps of EQUIPRO range are short coupled and can be mated to IEC normalised motors without dismantling the pump.


Are long coupled, vertical sump pumps fitted with a compact motor, support inclusive of bearing and flexible join, designed right from the drawing board to ease maintenance and to be repaired worldwide in the most challenging situations with common tools.